[Cloud Anchors] ARCore Extensions for Unity's AR Foundation
APP 2021. 6. 24. 00:06Unity 2020.3.2f1
Window - Package Manager -
AR Foundation 4.15
AR Core XR Plugin 4.15
ARKit XR Plugin 4.15
Multiplayer HLAPI 1.1.1
AR Core Extensions From git URL ( + button in Package Manager)
If meta file error occured, download arcore-unity-extension.zip.
Unzip somewhere.
At Package Manger, Add package from disk & find package.json from unzipped folder
Google ARCore Extensions for Unity's AR Foundation - google-ar/arcore-unity-extensions
File - BuildSettings - PlayerSettings -
GraphicAPIs--------------------------->Delete Vulkan
Multithreaded Rendering------------>Unchecked
Minimum API Level------------------->7.0 Nougat API Level 24
XR Plug-in Management-------------->Android Icon, Plug-in Providers, AR Core Check
Publishing Settings
KeystoreManager-------------------->Make own keystore
Edit - ProjectSettings - Services -
Organization--------------------------->Select organization
Install JDK 8.0
Install Android Studio
Setting Up OAuth 2.0
You should have project in Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform
There is a temporary block on your account. This happens when Google detects requests from your network that may have been sent by malicious software, a browser plug-in, or script that sends automated requests. Retry in a few minutes.
Setting up OAuth 2.0 - Google Cloud Platform Console 고객센터
도움이 되었나요? 어떻게 하면 개선할 수 있을까요? 예아니요
Build File
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